Rewritten Age Of Camelot
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New staff nember

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New staff nember Empty New staff nember

Post  Razmataz Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:00 pm

Please welcome Gmdoedoc (Lead GM).

He has been a faithful player on this server since 2009.

He is a veteran player and please give him the the time of day as he learns the backgroud programs and coding required to make the server function better for you.

He palns to hold events and make new items avaible to you.

Please, be patient as well there will be no new server rebuild in the near future.  So, enjoy what we have here with many custom features you already enjoy.

I realize there are many compatibility issues with spells and abilities.  Those really can't be fixed at the moment.   new server rebuild is the answer. However many of the custom features would go away because of the old scripts I still use.  Therefore the server will remain as it is until i can get some quality trusted coders to rebuild the server.

God Bless!

Male Number of posts : 180
Age : 59
Location : OK, USA
Registration date : 2008-05-18

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